Sunday, September 7, 2008

The Avenues.... part 2.

Today Mushy and I went to the Avenues. It was my Grandmas 95th birthday! I can't even imagine, or comprehend that amount of time. She is a wonderful woman. I have always had the opportunity to spend a lot of time with her. and I am thankful that she made the time to spend with us while we were growing up. Now that I am older I see her strength and only hope that I can be strong throughout my life too.
Happy birthday Grandma!

Since the Avenues is one of my favorite places EVER, I always take pictures of our adventure. These are my favorite from today.


Anonymous said...

I love your photography. You are just fantastic!

(Hope you don't mind me finding your blog...heh)

Crystal Hadlock said...

your grandma is so cute....good pics too! We need to hang out soon.

Patience said...

Of course you could stalk me... if I can you! I didn't know you have a blog! How exciting :). It is so nice to hear from you. Doesn't it seem like just yesterday we were in Paris? well... maybe not... hee hee. xoxo

Lindsey Mosbarger said...

Love the pics, nice work! Hope you guys are doing good.

Ryan, Natalie and kids said...

Congrats on the two years! How fantastic is that! I also love the Avenues...reminds me a little of Europe. Those were good times; mostly.

Steph said...

as your photos!

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About Me

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I always had aspirations to make it big. Learn French. Move to Paris- for good. Instead, I met my soul mate, and our two lives became one. We decided to make it small, and moved to a little city. The inspiration for this blog came to me, while I was driving on an old country road with the top down and my man at the wheel. As the fields flew by, and the the Wasatch Mountains glowed in the Sunset. I realized that I may never be able to speak French and I will never move to Paris but I had made it big after all. This blog is dedicated to all the little things that make small town living beautiful.